10 #include "3esmeshset.h" 42 inline uint8_t
const {
return _pointSize; }
67 virtual bool writeCreate(
PacketWriter &stream)
const override;
76 virtual int writeData(
PacketWriter &stream,
unsigned &progressMarker)
const override;
80 virtual inline bool isComplex()
const override {
return true; }
86 int enumerateResources(
const Resource **resources,
int capacity,
int fetchOffset)
const override;
91 Shape *clone()
const override;
96 uint32_t *allocateIndices(uint32_t count);
97 void freeIndices(
const uint32_t *indices);
101 uint32_t _indexCount;
107 :
Shape(SIdPointCloud, id, category)
111 , _pointSize(pointSize)
118 freeIndices(_indices);
122 template <
typename I>
125 freeIndices(_indices);
127 _indexCount = indexCount;
130 _indices = allocateIndices(indexCount);
131 uint32_t *ind = _indices;
132 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < indexCount; ++i, ++ind, ++iter)
142 #endif // _3ESPOINTS_H_ A base class for encapsulating a shape which is to be represented remotely.
Definition: 3esshape.h:39
virtual bool isComplex() const override
Defines this class as a complex shape.
Definition: 3espointcloudshape.h:80
const MeshResource * mesh() const
Get the mesh resource containing the point data to render.
Definition: 3espointcloudshape.h:62
Definition: 3esbounds.h:13
The Resource base class defines an interface for any resource used by Shape objects such as MeshSet...
Definition: 3esresource.h:34
Represents a mesh part or object.
Definition: 3esmeshresource.h:16
PointCloudShape & setIndices(I begin, uint32_t indexCount)
Sets the (optional) indices for this PointCloudShape Shape.
Definition: 3espointcloudshape.h:123
A Shape which renders a set of points as in a point cloud.
Definition: 3espointcloudshape.h:23
PointCloudShape(const MeshResource *mesh, uint32_t id=0, uint16_t category=0, uint8_t pointSize=1)
Construct a point cloud shape object.
Definition: 3espointcloudshape.h:106
uint8_t pointSize() const
Get the desired point render size (pixels).
Definition: 3espointcloudshape.h:42
A utility class for writing payload data to a PacketHeader.
Definition: 3espacketwriter.h:34
Definition: 3espointcloudshape.h:116
PointCloudShape & setPointSize(uint8_t size)
Set the desired point render size (pixels).
Definition: 3espointcloudshape.h:39