class | Arrow |
| Defines an arrow shape to display. More...
class | Bounds |
| A simple bounding box structure. More...
class | Box |
| Defines a rectangular prism shape. More...
class | Capsule |
| Defines a capsule shape to display. More...
struct | CategoryNameMessage |
| Category name message. More...
class | CollatedPacket |
| A utility class which generates a MtCollatedPacket message by appending multiple other messages. More...
struct | CollatedPacketMessage |
| A packet collation message header. More...
class | Colour |
| A 32-bit integer colour class. More...
class | Cone |
| Defines a cone shape to display. More...
class | Connection |
| Defines the interfaces for a client connection. More...
class | ConnectionMonitor |
| A utility class for monitoring new connections for a Server . More...
struct | ControlMessage |
| A system control message. More...
struct | CreateMessage |
| Defines an object creation message. More...
class | Cylinder |
| Defines a cylinder shape to display. More...
struct | DataMessage |
| Defines an object data message. More...
struct | DestroyMessage |
| Message to destroy an exiting object by id and type. More...
struct | Material |
| Not ready for use. More...
class | Matrix3 |
| A row major 3x3 rotation matrix. More...
class | Matrix4 |
| A row major 4x4 transformation matrix. More...
struct | MeshComponentMessage |
| Message structure for adding vertices, colours, indices, or UVs. More...
struct | MeshCreateMessage |
| MeshResource creation message. More...
struct | MeshDestroyMessage |
| MeshResource destruction message. More...
struct | MeshFinaliseMessage |
| Message to finalise a mesh, ready for use. More...
class | MeshPlaceholder |
| A placeholder for a mesh resource, carrying only a mesh ID. More...
struct | MeshRedefineMessage |
| MeshResource redefinition message. More...
class | MeshResource |
| Represents a mesh part or object. More...
class | MeshSet |
| Represents a mesh shape. More...
class | MeshShape |
| A Shape which uses vertices and indices to render. More...
struct | ObjectAttributes |
| Contains core object attributes. More...
class | PacketBuffer |
| This class accepts responsibility for collating incoming byte streams. More...
struct | PacketHeader |
| The header for an incoming 3ES data packet. More...
class | PacketReader |
| A utility class for dealing with reading packets. More...
class | PacketStream |
| A utility class used for managing read/write operations to a PacketHeader payload. More...
class | PacketWriter |
| A utility class for writing payload data to a PacketHeader . More...
class | Plane |
| Defines a rectangular planar section to display. More...
class | PointCloud |
| A MeshResource which defines a point cloud by its contained vertices. More...
class | PointCloudShape |
| A Shape which renders a set of points as in a point cloud. More...
class | Quaternion |
| A 4D rotational quaternion class. More...
struct | QuaternionArg |
| A helper structure used to convert from float or double pointers to Quaternionf arguments. More...
class | Resource |
| The Resource base class defines an interface for any resource used by Shape objects such as MeshSet . More...
class | ResourcePacker |
class | Server |
| Defines the interface for managing a 3es server. More...
struct | ServerInfoMessage |
| Information about the server. More...
struct | ServerSettings |
class | Shape |
| A base class for encapsulating a shape which is to be represented remotely. More...
class | SimpleMesh |
| An encapsulated definition of a mesh. It manages all its own vertices, indices, etc. More...
class | Sphere |
| Defines a sphere to display. More...
struct | SphereVertexHash |
class | SpinLock |
| A spin lock implementation. More...
class | Star |
| Defines a star to display. More...
class | TcpListenSocket |
| Represents a TCP server socket, listening for connections. More...
struct | TcpListenSocketDetail |
class | TcpSocket |
| A TCP/IP communication socket implementation. More...
struct | TcpSocketDetail |
class | Text2D |
| A shape which renders screen space text, optionally positioned in 3D. More...
class | Text3D |
| A shape 3D world position and perspective adjusted text, optionally screen facing. More...
class | Timer |
| A high precision timer implementation. More...
struct | Timing |
| A timing information structure. More...
struct | TransferProgress |
| A structure tracking progress of a data transfer. More...
struct | UpdateMessage |
| A update message is identical in header to a CreateMessage . More...
struct | V3Arg |
| A helper structure used to convert from float or double pointers to Vector3f arguments. More...
class | Vector3 |
| Represents a vector in R3. More...
class | Vector3Hash |
| Hash structure for use with standard library maps. More...
class | Vector4 |
| Represents a vector in R4. More...
enum | CoordinateFrame {
CFLeft = XYZNeg
} |
| Enumerates various coordinate frames. More...
enum | Feature { TFeatureCompression,
TFeatureLimit = 64,
TFeatureInvalid = TFeatureLimit
} |
| Defines the set of feature flags. More...
enum | MeshBuildFlags { MbfCalculateNormals = (1<<0)
} |
| The set of valid flags used in finalise messages. More...
enum | MeshMessageType {
} |
| Defines the messageIDs for mesh message routing. More...
enum | DrawType { DtPoints,
} |
| Defines the primitives for a mesh. More...
enum | MessageTypeIDs {
ShapeHandlersIDStart = 64,
UserIDStart = 2048
} |
| List of routing IDs of common, built in message handlers. More...
enum | ShapeHandlerIDs {
SIdSphere = ShapeHandlersIDStart,
SIdBuiltInLast = SIdText2D
} |
| Default/built in renderers (routing IDs).
enum | ControlId {
} |
| Message IDs for a ControlMessage . More...
enum | CategoryMessageId { CMIdName
} |
| Message IDs for MtCategory routing. More...
enum | ObjectMessageId {
} |
| Object/shape management message ID. Used with ShapeHandlerIDs routing IDs.
enum | {
OFNone = 0,
OFWire = (1 << 0),
OFTransparent = (1 << 1),
OFTwoSided = (1 << 2),
OFUpdateMode = (1 << 3),
OFPosition = (1 << 4),
OFRotation = (1 << 5),
OFScale = (1 << 6),
OFColour = (1 << 7),
OFColor = OFColour,
OFUser = (1 << 12)
} |
| Flags controlling the creation and appearance of an object. More...
enum | PointsAttributeFlag { PAFNone = 0,
PAFNormals = (1 << 0),
PAFColours = (1 << 1)
} |
| Additional attributes for point data sources. More...
enum | Text2DFlag { Text2DFWorldSpace = OFUser
} |
| ObjectFlag extensions for Text2D rendering. More...
enum | Text3DFlag { Text3DFScreenFacing = OFUser
} |
| ObjectFlag extensions for Text2D rendering. More...
enum | MeshShapeFlag { MeshShapeCalculateNormals = OFUser
} |
| ObjectFlag extensions for MeshShape . More...
enum | UpdateFlag { UFNone = 0,
UFInterpolate = (1 << 0)
} |
| Flags controlling the creation and appearance of an object. More...
enum | CollatedPacketFlag { CPFCompress = (1<<0)
} |
| Flags for CollatedPacketMessage .
enum | ControlFlag { CFFramePersist = (1 << 0)
} |
| Flags for various ControlId messages. More...
enum | PacketFlag { PF_NoCrc = (1<<0)
} |
| Flag values for PacketHeader objects. More...
enum | ServerFlag { SF_Collate = (1<<1),
SF_Compress = (1<<2)
} |
| Server option flags. More...
template<typename T , typename ST > |
T * | moveByStride (T *ptr, ST stride) |
| A utility function for moving a pointer by a given byte stride. More...
template<typename T , typename ST > |
const T * | moveByStride (const T *ptr, ST stride) |
template<typename T > |
Vector4< T > | toVector (const Colour &c) |
| Convert a Colour to Vector4 . More...
Vector4f _3es_coreAPI | toVectorf (const Colour &c) |
Vector4d _3es_coreAPI | toVectord (const Colour &c) |
template<typename T > |
Colour | toColour (const Vector4< T > &v) |
| Convert a Vector4 to a Colour . More...
template Colour _3es_coreAPI | toColour (const Vector4< float > &v) |
template Colour _3es_coreAPI | toColour (const Vector4< double > &v) |
template<typename T > |
T | ceilPowerOf2 (T v) |
| Calculate the next power of 2 equal to or greater than v . More...
template<> |
unsigned | ceilPowerOf2 (unsigned v) |
template<> |
int | ceilPowerOf2 (int v) |
uint8_t _3es_coreAPI | crc8 (const uint8_t *message, size_t byteCount) |
| Calculate an 8-bit CRC value. More...
uint16_t _3es_coreAPI | crc16 (const uint8_t *message, size_t byteCount) |
| Calculate an 16-bit CRC value. More...
uint32_t _3es_coreAPI | crc32 (const uint8_t *message, size_t byteCount) |
| Calculate an 32-bit CRC value. More...
void _3es_coreAPI | endianSwap (uint8_t *data, size_t size) |
| Perform an Endian swap on the given data buffer. More...
void | endianSwap1 (uint8_t *data) |
| A 1-byte value Endian swap: noop. More...
void | endianSwap2 (uint8_t *data) |
| Perform a 2-byte value Endian swap on data . More...
void | endianSwap4 (uint8_t *data) |
| Perform a 4-byte value Endian swap on data . More...
void | endianSwap8 (uint8_t *data) |
| Perform an 8-byte value Endian swap on data . More...
void | endianSwap16 (uint8_t *data) |
| Perform a 16-byte value Endian swap on data . More...
void | endianSwap (uint8_t &data) |
| Single byte "Endian swap" for completeness: noop. More...
void | endianSwap (int8_t &data) |
| Single byte "Endian swap" for completeness: noop. More...
void | endianSwap (uint16_t &data) |
| Two byte integer Endian swap. More...
void | endianSwap (int16_t &data) |
| Two byte integer Endian swap. More...
void | endianSwap (uint32_t &data) |
| Four byte integer Endian swap. More...
void | endianSwap (int32_t &data) |
| Four byte integer Endian swap. More...
void | endianSwap (uint64_t &data) |
| Eight byte integer Endian swap. More...
void | endianSwap (int64_t &data) |
| Eight byte integer Endian swap. More...
void | endianSwap (float &data) |
| Four byte floating point Endian swap. More...
void | endianSwap (double &data) |
| Eight byte floating point Endian swap. More...
template<class T > |
T | endianSwapValue (const T &data) |
| Return a copy of data with reversed byte order. More...
void | networkEndianSwap (uint8_t *data, size_t size) |
| Perform an endianSwap() on data to switch to/from network byte order (Big Endian). More...
void | networkEndianSwap (uint8_t &data) |
| For completeness: noop. More...
void | networkEndianSwap (int8_t &data) |
| For completeness: noop. More...
void | networkEndianSwap (uint16_t &data) |
| Two byte switch of data to/from network byte order. More...
void | networkEndianSwap (int16_t &data) |
| Two byte switch of data to/from network byte order. More...
void | networkEndianSwap (uint32_t &data) |
| Four byte switch of data to/from network byte order. More...
void | networkEndianSwap (int32_t &data) |
| Four byte switch of data to/from network byte order. More...
void | networkEndianSwap (uint64_t &data) |
| Eight byte switch of data to/from network byte order. More...
void | networkEndianSwap (int64_t &data) |
| Eight byte switch of data to/from network byte order. More...
void | networkEndianSwap (float &data) |
| Four byte switch of data to/from network byte order. More...
void | networkEndianSwap (double &data) |
| Eight byte switch of data to/from network byte order. More...
template<class T > |
T | networkEndianSwapValue (const T &data) |
| Return a copy of data with byte order switched if host byte order is not network byte order. More...
uint64_t _3es_coreAPI | featureFlag (Feature feature) |
| Convert a Feature to a feature flag. More...
Feature _3es_coreAPI | featureForFlag (uint64_t flag) |
| Convert a feature flag back to a feature . More...
bool _3es_coreAPI | checkFeature (Feature feature) |
| Check if a particular Feature is available. More...
bool _3es_coreAPI | checkFeatureFlag (uint64_t featureFlag) |
| Check for a feature by its flag. More...
bool _3es_coreAPI | checkFeatures (uint64_t featureFlags) |
| Check if a set of features are available. More...
template<typename T > |
T | degToRad (const T &angle=T(1)) |
| Conversion from degrees to radians. More...
template<typename T > |
T | radToDeg (const T &angle=T(1)) |
| Conversion from radians to degrees. More...
unsigned | nextLog2 (unsigned v) |
| Round up to the next power of 2. More...
template<typename T > |
Matrix3< T > | operator* (const Matrix3< T > &a, const Matrix3< T > &b) |
| Performs the matrix multiplication AB. More...
template<typename T > |
Vector3< T > | operator* (const Matrix3< T > &a, const Vector3< T > &v) |
| Performs the matrix multiplication Av. More...
template<typename T > |
Matrix4< T > | operator* (const Matrix4< T > &a, const Matrix4< T > &b) |
| Performs the matrix multiplication AB. More...
template<typename T > |
Vector3< T > | operator* (const Matrix4< T > &a, const Vector3< T > &v) |
| Performs the matrix multiplication Av. More...
template<typename T > |
Vector4< T > | operator* (const Matrix4< T > &a, const Vector4< T > &v) |
| Performs the matrix multiplication Av. More...
void _3es_coreAPI | initDefaultServerInfo (ServerInfoMessage *info) |
| Initialise info to the defaults. More...
template<typename T > |
Quaternion< T > | operator* (const Quaternion< T > &a, const Quaternion< T > &b) |
| Multiplies one quaternion by another. More...
template<typename T > |
Vector3< T > | operator* (const Quaternion< T > &a, const Vector3< T > &v) |
| Transforms a vector by a quaternion, rotating it. More...
template<typename T > |
Matrix3< T > | operator* (const Matrix3< T > &a, const Quaternion< T > &q) |
| Multiplies a rotation matrix by a quaternion. More...
template Matrix3< float > _3es_coreAPI | operator* (const Matrix3< float > &a, const Quaternion< float > &q) |
template Matrix3< double > _3es_coreAPI | operator* (const Matrix3< double > &a, const Quaternion< double > &q) |
template<typename T > |
Matrix3< T > | operator* (const Quaternion< T > &q, const Matrix3< T > &b) |
| Multiplies a quaternion by a rotation matrix resulting in a rotation matrix. More...
template Matrix3< float > _3es_coreAPI | operator* (const Quaternion< float > &q, const Matrix3< float > &b) |
template Matrix3< double > _3es_coreAPI | operator* (const Quaternion< double > &q, const Matrix3< double > &b) |
template<typename T > |
Matrix4< T > | operator* (const Matrix4< T > &a, const Quaternion< T > &q) |
| Multiplies a transformation matrix by a quaternion. More...
template Matrix4< float > _3es_coreAPI | operator* (const Matrix4< float > &a, const Quaternion< float > &q) |
template Matrix4< double > _3es_coreAPI | operator* (const Matrix4< double > &a, const Quaternion< double > &q) |
template<typename T > |
Matrix4< T > | quaternionTranslationToTransform (const Quaternion< T > &quaternion, const Vector3< T > &translation) |
| Builds a 4x4 transformation matrix from a quaternion rotation and vector translation. More...
template Matrix4< float > _3es_coreAPI | quaternionTranslationToTransform (const Quaternion< float > &quaternion, const Vector3< float > &translation) |
template Matrix4< double > _3es_coreAPI | quaternionTranslationToTransform (const Quaternion< double > &quaternion, const Vector3< double > &translation) |
template<typename T > |
Matrix4< T > | prsTransform (const Vector3< T > &translation, const Quaternion< T > &quaternion, const Vector3< T > &scale) |
template Matrix4< float > _3es_coreAPI | prsTransform (const Vector3< float > &translation, const Quaternion< float > &quaternion, const Vector3< float > &scale) |
template Matrix4< double > _3es_coreAPI | prsTransform (const Vector3< double > &translation, const Quaternion< double > &quaternion, const Vector3< double > &scale) |
template<typename T > |
void | transformToQuaternionTranslation (const Matrix4< T > &m, Quaternion< T > &q, Vector3< T > &translation, Vector3< T > *scale=nullptr) |
| Decomposes a transformation matrix into a quaternion rotation and a vector translation. More...
template void _3es_coreAPI | transformToQuaternionTranslation (const Matrix4< float > &m, Quaternion< float > &q, Vector3< float > &translation, Vector3< float > *scale) |
template void _3es_coreAPI | transformToQuaternionTranslation (const Matrix4< double > &m, Quaternion< double > &q, Vector3< double > &translation, Vector3< double > *scale) |
template<typename T > |
void | transformToQuaternionTranslation (const Matrix4< T > &m, Quaternion< T > &q, Vector3< T > &translation, Vector3< T > &scale) |
template void _3es_coreAPI | transformToQuaternionTranslation (const Matrix4< float > &m, Quaternion< float > &q, Vector3< float > &translation, Vector3< float > &scale) |
template void _3es_coreAPI | transformToQuaternionTranslation (const Matrix4< double > &m, Quaternion< double > &q, Vector3< double > &translation, Vector3< double > &scale) |
template<typename T > |
Quaternion< T > | transformToQuaternionTranslation (const Matrix4< T > &m, Vector3< T > &translation) |
| Decomposes a transformation matrix into a quaternion rotation and a vector translation. More...
template Quaternion< float > _3es_coreAPI | transformToQuaternionTranslation (const Matrix4< float > &m, Vector3< float > &translation) |
template Quaternion< double > _3es_coreAPI | transformToQuaternionTranslation (const Matrix4< double > &m, Vector3< double > &translation) |
template<typename T > |
Quaternion< T > | rotationToQuaternion (const Matrix3< T > &m) |
| Extracts just the rotation part of a transformation matrix into a quaternion. More...
template Quaternion< float > _3es_coreAPI | rotationToQuaternion (const Matrix3< float > &m) |
template Quaternion< double > _3es_coreAPI | rotationToQuaternion (const Matrix3< double > &m) |
template<typename T > |
Quaternion< T > | transformToQuaternion (const Matrix4< T > &m) |
| Extracts just the rotation part of a transformation matrix into a quaternion. More...
template Quaternion< float > _3es_coreAPI | transformToQuaternion (const Matrix4< float > &m) |
template Quaternion< double > _3es_coreAPI | transformToQuaternion (const Matrix4< double > &m) |
template<typename T > |
Matrix3< T > | quaternionToRotation (const Quaternion< T > &q) |
| Builds a rotation matrix from a quaternion rotation. More...
template Matrix3< float > _3es_coreAPI | quaternionToRotation (const Quaternion< float > &m) |
template Matrix3< double > _3es_coreAPI | quaternionToRotation (const Quaternion< double > &m) |
template<typename T > |
Matrix4< T > | quaternionToTransform (const Quaternion< T > &q) |
| Builds a rotation transformation matrix from a quaternion rotation. More...
template Matrix4< float > _3es_coreAPI | quaternionToTransform (const Quaternion< float > &m) |
template Matrix4< double > _3es_coreAPI | quaternionToTransform (const Quaternion< double > &m) |
template<class MESSAGE , unsigned BufferSize = 256> |
int | sendMessage (Connection &connection, uint16_t routingId, uint16_t messageId, const MESSAGE &message) |
| A helper function for sending an arbitrary message structure via a Connection or Server object. More...
void _3es_coreAPI | sphereInitialise (std::vector< Vector3f > &vertices, std::vector< unsigned > &indices, SphereVertexMap *vertexMap=nullptr) |
| Initialise a unity sphere as an icosahedron. More...
void _3es_coreAPI | subdivideUnitSphere (std::vector< Vector3f > &vertices, std::vector< unsigned > &indices, SphereVertexMap &vertexMap) |
| Subdivide a unit sphere. More...
void _3es_coreAPI | sphereSubdivision (std::vector< Vector3f > &vertices, std::vector< unsigned > &indices, float radius=1.0f, const Vector3f &origin=Vector3f(0.0f), int depth=2) |
| Tessellate a sphere using a subdivision technique starting from an icosahedron.
char _3es_coreAPI * | timeValueString (char *buffer, size_t bufferLen, Timer &t) |
| Converts a Timer to a time string indicating the elapsed time. More...
std::string _3es_coreAPI | timeValueString (Timer &t) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
char _3es_coreAPI * | timeValueString (char *buffer, size_t bufferLen, unsigned int s, unsigned int ms=0u, unsigned int us=0u) |
| Converts a time value int a time string indicating the time elapsed. More...
std::string _3es_coreAPI | timeValueString (unsigned int s, unsigned int ms=0, unsigned int us=0u) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
const char _3es_coreAPI * | timeValueString (char *buffer, size_t bufferLen, double seconds) |
std::string _3es_coreAPI | timeValueString (double seconds) |
const char _3es_coreAPI * | timeValueString (char *buffer, size_t bufferLen, long double seconds) |
std::string _3es_coreAPI | timeValueString (long double seconds) |
template<class T > |
Vector3< T > | operator+ (const Vector3< T > &a, const Vector3< T > &b) |
| Adds two vectors.
template<class T > |
Vector3< T > | operator+ (const Vector3< T > &a, const T &b) |
| Adds two vectors.
template<class T > |
Vector3< T > | operator+ (const T &a, const Vector3< T > &b) |
| Adds two vectors.
template<class T > |
Vector3< T > | operator- (const Vector3< T > &a, const Vector3< T > &b) |
| Sutracts b from a .
template<class T > |
Vector3< T > | operator- (const Vector3< T > &a, const T &b) |
| Adds two vectors.
template<class T > |
Vector3< T > | operator* (const Vector3< T > &a, const T &b) |
| Multiplies a vector by a scalar.
template<class T > |
Vector3< T > | operator* (const T &a, const Vector3< T > &b) |
| Multiplies a vector by a scalar.
template<class T > |
Vector3< T > | operator/ (const Vector3< T > &a, const T &b) |
| Divides a vector by a scalar.
template<class T > |
Vector4< T > | operator+ (const Vector4< T > &a, const Vector4< T > &b) |
| Adds two vectors.
template<class T > |
Vector4< T > | operator+ (const Vector4< T > &a, const T &b) |
| Adds two vectors.
template<class T > |
Vector4< T > | operator+ (const T &a, const Vector4< T > &b) |
| Adds two vectors.
template<class T > |
Vector4< T > | operator- (const Vector4< T > &a, const Vector4< T > &b) |
| Sutracts b from a .
template<class T > |
Vector4< T > | operator- (const Vector4< T > &a, const T &b) |
| Adds two vectors.
template<class T > |
Vector4< T > | operator* (const Vector4< T > &a, const T &b) |
| Multiplies a vector by a scalar.
template<class T > |
Vector4< T > | operator* (const T &a, const Vector4< T > &b) |
| Multiplies a vector by a scalar.
template<class T > |
Vector4< T > | operator/ (const Vector4< T > &a, const T &b) |
| Divides a vector by a scalar.