3rd Eye Scene C#
3rd Eye Scene C# documentation
Tes::Oscilator Member List
This is the complete list of members for Tes::Oscilator, including all inherited members.
Amplitude (defined in Tes::Oscilator)Tes::Oscilator
Axis (defined in Tes::Oscilator)Tes::Oscilator
Oscilator(Shapes.Shape shape, float amplitude=1.0f, float period=5.0f) (defined in Tes::Oscilator)Tes::Oscilator [inline]
Oscilator(Shapes.Shape shape, float amplitude, float period, Vector3 axis) (defined in Tes::Oscilator)Tes::Oscilator [inline]
Period (defined in Tes::Oscilator)Tes::Oscilator
ReferencePos (defined in Tes::Oscilator)Tes::Oscilator
Reset() (defined in Tes::Oscilator)Tes::Oscilator [inline, virtual]
Shape (defined in Tes::ShapeMover)Tes::ShapeMover
ShapeMover(Shapes.Shape shape) (defined in Tes::ShapeMover)Tes::ShapeMover [inline, protected]
Update(float time, float dt) (defined in Tes::Oscilator)Tes::Oscilator [inline, virtual]
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