3rd Eye Scene C#
3rd Eye Scene C# documentation
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Tes::Buffers::ArrayPool< T >Provides a resource pool that enables reusing instances of type T:T[]
Tes::Shapes::ArrowDefines an arrow shape for remote rendering
Tes::Handlers::Shape3D::ArrowHandlerHandles Arrow shapes
Tes::Shapes::BoxDefines a box shape for remote rendering
Tes::Handlers::Shape3D::BoxHandlerHandles box shapes
Tes::Handlers::CameraHandlerMaintains camera objects which may be used to view the scene
Tes::Handlers::CameraHandler::CameraInfoDetails of the camera settings
Tes::Net::CameraMessageA message identifying the properties of a camera
Tes::Shapes::CapsuleDefines a capsule shape for remote rendering
Tes::Handlers::Shape3D::CapsuleHandlerHandles capsule shapes (cylinders with rounded, hemisphere end caps)
Tes::Handlers::CategoriesHandlerMaintains camera objects which may be used to view the scene
Tes::Handlers::CategoriesHandler::CategoryCategory details
Tes::Net::CategoryNameMessageMessage used to change/set a category name
Tes::Util::CollatedPacketDecoderA utility class for decoding CollatedPacketMessage packets
Tes::IO::CollatedPacketDecoderA utility class for decoding CollatedPacketMessage packets
Tes::Util::CollatedPacketEncoderA utility class for encoding CollatedPacketMessage packets, including compression
Tes::IO::CollatedPacketEncoderA utility class for encoding CollatedPacketMessage packets, including compression
Tes::Net::CollatedPacketMessageIdentifies a message packet which contains a collection of other messages, optionally compressed
Tes::IO::CollationStreamA stream implementation which uses a T:IO.CollatedPacketEncoder to compress data before writing to another stream
Tes::Maths::ColourA utility class representing a colour as a 32-bit integer
Tes::Util::CompressionBufferImplements a MemoryStream wrapper to support GZip compression
Tes::Shapes::ConeDefines cone shape for remote rendering
Tes::Handlers::Shape3D::ConeHandlerHandles Cone shapes
Tes::Server::ConnectionMonitorA TCP/IP based implementation of IConnectionMonitor
Tes::Net::ControlMessageA system control message
Tes::IO::Crc16This class is used to calculate a 2-byte/16-bit CRC value for a memory buffer
Tes::Net::CreateMessageDefines an object create message
Tes::Shapes::CylinderDefines cylinder shape for remote rendering
Tes::Handlers::Shape3D::CylinderHandlerHandles Cylinder shapes
Tes::Net::DataMessageDefines an object data message
Tes::Main::DataThreadBase class for thread objects used as message sources
Tes::Buffers::DefaultArrayPool< T >
Tes::Net::DestroyMessageDefines an object destroy message
Tes::Runtime::ErrorThis class encapsulated error code values returned by various processing functions
Tes::Net::IConnectionDefines the interface for a TES connection
Tes::Logging::ILogLog interface supporting level based and categorised logging
Tes::IO::InvalidPacketStatusExceptionException thrown when a PacketBuffer is in an invalid state for the current operation
Tes::Server::IServerDefines the interface for a 3rd Eye Scene server
Tes::Runtime::MaterialLibraryThe MaterialLibrary provides a way to register and access Unity materials by name
Tes::Maths::Matrix3A row major 3x3 rotation matrix
Tes::Maths::Matrix4A row major 4x4 transformation matrix
Tes::Shapes::MeshBaseAn implementation of MeshResource which implements transfer
Tes::Runtime::MeshBuilderSupports construction of UnityEngine.Mesh objects from raw vertex and index data
Tes::Handlers::MeshCacheImplements handling of RoutingID.Mesh messages, maintaining the appropriate mesh objects
Tes::Net::MeshComponentMessageMessage for parts of a mesh resource (e.g., vertices)
Tes::Net::MeshCreateMessageMessage used to define a new mesh resource
Tes::Handlers::Shape3D::MeshHandler::MeshDataComponentTracks support data for mesh shapes
Tes::Net::MeshDestroyMessageMessage sent to destroy a previously defined mesh resource
Tes::Handlers::MeshCache::MeshDetailsMesh details
Tes::Net::MeshFinaliseMessageMessage used to (re)finalise a mesh resource
Tes::Handlers::Shape3D::MeshHandlerShape handler for mesh shapes
Tes::Net::MeshRedefineMessageMessages used to redefine an existing a mesh resource
Tes::Shapes::MeshResourceRepresents a mesh part or object
Tes::Handlers::MeshResourcePlaceholderA placeholder for a mesh resource
Tes::Shapes::MeshSetDefines a set of MeshResource references remote rendering
Tes::Handlers::Shape3D::MeshSetHandlerHandle messages for objects representing instances of mesh data from the MeshCache
Tes::Shapes::MeshShapeDefines a simple mesh shape for remote rendering
Tes::Runtime::MessageHandlerThis class defines the interface for any message handler class
Tes::IO::NetworkReaderA BinaryReader implementation designed to read data from network Endian (big) to the local host Endian
Tes::IO::NetworkWriterA BinaryWriter designed to write to network Endian (big)
Tes::Net::ObjectAttributesDefines the core attributes for a 3D shape or object
Tes::IO::PacketBufferThe Tes.IO.PacketBuffer is used to collate incoming network data and extract a Tes.IO.PacketHeader and payload
Tes::IO::PacketHeaderThe header for an incoming 3ES data packet
Tes::IO::PacketStreamReaderThe StreamReader supports reading and decoding of a data stream into T:PacketBuffer packets
Tes::Runtime::MeshBuilder::PartDetailsRepresents details of part of the mesh
Tes::Shapes::PlaneDefines plane shape for remote rendering
Tes::Handlers::Shape3D::PlaneHandlerHandles Plane shapes
Tes::Shapes::PointCloudA simple implementation of the PointCloud interface
Tes::Handlers::Shape3D::PointCloudHandlerShape message handler for point clouds
Tes::Shapes::PointCloudShapeA Shape which renders a set of points as in a point cloud
Tes::Handlers::Shape3D::PointsComponentUsed to track details of objects from PointCloudHandler
Tes::ProgramTest creating many objects for visualisation
Tes::PyramidDefines an arrow shape for remote rendering
Tes::Maths::QuaternionA quaternion implementation for applying 3D rotations
Tes::Collections::Queue< T >This is a thread safe queue implementation
Tes::ResourceAn interface for tracking shared resources
Tes::IO::ReusableMemoryStreamImplements a MemoryStream wrapper to support GZip compression
Tes::Main::SceneManages the scene root object
Tes::ScreenFacingA utility object which orients other objects to face the camera
Tes::Runtime::SerialiseInfoInformation for MessageHandler.Serialise(System.IO.BinaryWriter, ref SerialiseInfo)
Tes::Net::ServerInfoMessageA system control message defining some global information about the server
Tes::Server::ServerSettingsDefines the initialisation settings for IServer
Tes::Shapes::ShapeThis is the base class for any spatial shape represented by 3rd Eye Scene
Tes::Handlers::ShapeCacheCaches the active non-transient shapes, supporting fetching by ID
Tes::Handlers::ShapeComponentA minimalist MonoBehaviour used to track information about objects generated by Tes shape handlers
Tes::Handlers::ShapeHandlerDefines the base functionality for MessageHandler objects which add 3D objects to the scene
Tes::Shapes::SimpleMeshA simple MeshResource implementation
Tes::Shapes::SphereDefines a sphere shape for remote rendering
Tes::Handlers::Shape3D::SphereHandlerHandles sphere shapes
Tes::Tessellate::SphereVector3HashA hashable vector for vertices on a sphere
Tes::Threading::SpinLockA spin lock using atomic operations
Tes::SRReplacement for SR, translated error codes
Tes::Shapes::StarDefines a star shape to render
Tes::Handlers::Shape3D::StarHandlerHandles Star shapes
Tes::Server::TcpConnectionA client connection over TCP/IP
Tes::Server::TcpServerImplements a 3rd Eye Scene server over TCP/IP
Tes::Shapes::Text2DDefines 2D text to render
Tes::Handlers::Shape2D::Text2DHandlerHandles 2D text
Tes::Handlers::Shape2D::Text2DHandler::Text2DManagerManages text rendering
Tes::Shapes::Text3DDefines 3D text to render in 3D coordinates
Tes::Handlers::Shape3D::Text3DHandlerHandles 3D text shapes
Tes::Handlers::Shape2D::Text2DHandler::TextEntryTracks a text object
Tes::TransferProgressProgress tracking for Resource.Transfer
Tes::Handlers::TransientShapeCacheA cache for transient shape objects
Tes::Net::UpdateMessageDefines an object update message
Tes::Maths::Vector2A basic two component vector coordinate implementation
Tes::Maths::Vector3A basic vector3 implementation
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