3es  0.7
MeshResource Messages

Defines the set of messages used to construct mesh objects. More...


struct  tes::MeshCreateMessage
 MeshResource creation message. More...
struct  tes::MeshRedefineMessage
 MeshResource redefinition message. More...
struct  tes::MeshDestroyMessage
 MeshResource destruction message. More...
struct  tes::MeshComponentMessage
 Message structure for adding vertices, colours, indices, or UVs. More...
struct  tes::Material
 Not ready for use. More...
struct  tes::MeshFinaliseMessage
 Message to finalise a mesh, ready for use. More...


enum  tes::MeshBuildFlags { tes::MbfCalculateNormals = (1<<0) }
 The set of valid flags used in finalise messages. More...
enum  tes::MeshMessageType {
  MmtInvalid, MmtDestroy, MmtCreate, tes::MmtVertex,
  tes::MmtIndex, tes::MmtVertexColour, tes::MmtNormal, tes::MmtUv,
  tes::MmtSetMaterial, tes::MmtRedefine, tes::MmtFinalise
 Defines the messageIDs for mesh message routing. More...
enum  tes::DrawType { DtPoints, DtLines, DtTriangles, tes::DtVoxels }
 Defines the primitives for a mesh. More...

Detailed Description

Defines the set of messages used to construct mesh objects.

A mesh object is defined via a series of messages. This allows meshes to be defined over a number of updates, limiting per frame communications.

MeshResource instantiation supports the following messages:

Within a PacketHeader, the mesh message is arranged as follows:

A valid mesh definition requires at least the following messages: Create, Vertex, Index, Finalise. Additional vertex streams, normals, etc can be added with the complete set of messages.

Each mesh definition specifies one of the following draw modes or primitive types:

A mesh object defined through the MeshHandler doe snot support any child or sub-objects. These sorts of relationships are defined in the mesh renderer.

Message Formats
Message Data Type Semantics
Create uint32 Unique mesh ID
uint32 Vertex count
uint32 Index count
uint8 Draw type
uint32 MeshResource tint
float32[3] Position part of the mesh transform
float32[4] Quaternion rotation for mesh transform
float32[3] Scale factor part of mesh transform
Destroy uint32 MeshResource ID
Finalise uint32 MeshResource ID
Component uint32 MeshResource ID
uint32 Offset of the first data item
uint32 Reserved (e.g., stream index support)
uint16 Count
element* Array of count elements. Type varies.
Material uint32 MeshResource ID
uint32 Material ID
The Component message above refers to of the data content messages. The offset specicifies the first index of the incomping data, which allows the data streams to be sent in blocks. The element type matches the component type as follows:
Component Message Element type
Vertex 32-bit float triples
Vertex colour 32-bit uint
Index 32-bit uint
Normal 32-bit float triples
UV 32-bit float pairs

By default, one of the following materials are chosen:

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ DrawType

Defines the primitives for a mesh.


Geometry shader based voxels. Vertices define the voxel centres, the normals define half extents.

◆ MeshBuildFlags

The set of valid flags used in finalise messages.


Calculate normals. Overwrites normals if present.

◆ MeshMessageType

Defines the messageIDs for mesh message routing.


Add vertices.


Add indices.


Add vertex colours.


Add normals.


Add UV coordinates.


Define the material for this mesh.

Extension. NYI.


Redefine the core aspects of the mesh.

This invalidates the mesh requiring re-finalisation, but allows the creation parameters to be redefined. Component messages (vertex, index, colour, etc) can also be changed after this message, but before a second MmtFinalise.


Finalise and build the mesh.