Understanding the partial correlation (a 3D toy case). Unlike the ordinary covariance (pairwise correlation of say $\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{y}$ corresponding to channels), partial correlation between variables $\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{y}$ removes the influence of the confounding variable $\mathbf{z}$. Let the number of samples $n\!=\!3$ and channels $d\!=\!3$. For the 3D case, $\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{y}$ are projected onto a plane perpendicular to $\mathbf{z}$. Then $\rho_{xy}\!=\!\cos{\varphi_{xy}}$ (and $\rho_{xz}$ and $\rho_{yz}$ can be computed by analogy). Projected ''residuals''' $\mathbf{r}_\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{r}_\mathbf{y}$ are computed as indicated in the plot, ${\mathbf{w}'\!}_x\!=\!\arg min\!_{\mathbf{w}}\!\sum_{i=1}^3(x_i\!-\!\mathbf{w}_x^\top\mathbf{z}_i)$ where $\mathbf{z}_i\!=\![z_i, 1]^\top$ (and ${\mathbf{w}'\!}_y$ is computed by analogy). The green box: for $d\!>\!3$, the computation of partial correlation requires covariance inversion.

Proposed iterative sparse inverse covariance estimation (iSICE) method in a CNN pipeline.

For explanation of notations and Algirithm 1, please read the paper.

For further details, please read the paper.

For explanation of notations and Algirithm 1, please read the paper.

Visualisation of learned convolutional feature maps from Cars dataset with ResNeXt-101. From left: Input image, GAP, iSQRT-COV (Covariance Matrix), Precision Matrix and iSICE. The colour in the heatmap ranges from blue to red, blue indicates cold and red indicates hot. The feature maps suggest that with iSICE, the model focuses well on the key parts of car to extract features for classification. GAP (global average pooling) overly focuses on entire foreground, iSQRT-COV focuses poorly, while iSICE lets us control the degree of ‘focus’ by controlling sparsity.

Main paper

arXiv preprint

Source code

Github Code repository


Poster presentation

  author = {Rahman, Saimunur and Koniusz, Piotr and Wang, Lei and Zhou, Luping and Moghadam, Peyman and Sun, Changming},
  title = {Learning Partial Correlation based Deep Visual Representation for Image Classification},
  booktitle = {IEEE/CVF Int. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  month = {June},
  year = {2023}

For any questions please contact at saimun.rahman@data61.csiro.au.