3rd Eye Scene C#
3rd Eye Scene C# documentation
Tes::Handlers Namespace Reference


namespace  Shape2D
namespace  Shape3D


class  CameraHandler
 Maintains camera objects which may be used to view the scene. More...
class  CategoriesHandler
 Maintains camera objects which may be used to view the scene. More...
class  MeshCache
 Implements handling of RoutingID.Mesh messages, maintaining the appropriate mesh objects. More...
class  MeshResourcePlaceholder
 A placeholder for a mesh resource. More...
class  ShapeCache
 Caches the active non-transient shapes, supporting fetching by ID. More...
class  ShapeComponent
 A minimalist MonoBehaviour used to track information about objects generated by Tes shape handlers. More...
class  ShapeHandler
 Defines the base functionality for MessageHandler objects which add 3D objects to the scene. More...
class  TransientShapeCache
 A cache for transient shape objects. More...
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