3rd Eye Scene C#
3rd Eye Scene C# documentation
Classes | |
struct | Colour |
A utility class representing a colour as a 32-bit integer. More... | |
class | FloatUtil |
Floating point number utility functions. | |
class | IntUtil |
Integer utility functions. | |
struct | Matrix3 |
A row major 3x3 rotation matrix. More... | |
struct | Matrix4 |
A row major 4x4 transformation matrix. More... | |
struct | Quaternion |
A quaternion implementation for applying 3D rotations. More... | |
class | Rotation |
Rotation conversion methods. | |
struct | Vector2 |
A basic two component vector coordinate implementation. More... | |
struct | Vector3 |
A basic vector3 implementation. More... | |
class | ColourExt |
Unity/TES colour conversion. | |
class | Matrix3Ext |
Unity/TES matrix conversion. | |
class | Matrix4Ext |
Unity/TES matrix conversion. | |
class | QuaternionExt |
Unity/TES quaternion conversion. | |
class | Vector2Ext |
Unity/TES Vector2 conversion. | |
class | Vector3Ext |
Unity/TES Vector3 conversion. | |
Enumerations | |
enum | PredefinedColour { Gainsboro, LightGrey, Silver, DarkGrey, Grey, DimGrey, LightSlateGrey, SlateGrey, DarkSlateGrey, Black, White, Snow, Honeydew, MintCream, Azure, AliceBlue, GhostWhite, WhiteSmoke, Seashell, Beige, OldLace, FloralWhite, Ivory, AntiqueWhite, Linen, LavenderBlush, MistyRose, Pink, LightPink, HotPink, DeepPink, PaleVioletRed, MediumVioletRed, LightSalmon, Salmon, DarkSalmon, LightCoral, IndianRed, Crimson, FireBrick, DarkRed, Red, OrangeRed, Tomato, Coral, DarkOrange, Orange, Yellow, LightYellow, LemonChiffon, LightGoldenrodYellow, PapayaWhip, Moccasin, PeachPuff, PaleGoldenrod, Khaki, DarkKhaki, Gold, Cornsilk, BlanchedAlmond, Bisque, NavajoWhite, Wheat, BurlyWood, Tan, RosyBrown, SandyBrown, Goldenrod, DarkGoldenrod, Peru, Chocolate, SaddleBrown, Sienna, Brown, Maroon, DarkOliveGreen, Olive, OliveDrab, YellowGreen, LimeGreen, Lime, LawnGreen, Chartreuse, GreenYellow, SpringGreen, MediumSpringGreen, LightGreen, PaleGreen, DarkSeaGreen, MediumSeaGreen, SeaGreen, ForestGreen, Green, DarkGreen, MediumAquamarine, Aqua, Cyan, LightCyan, PaleTurquoise, Aquamarine, Turquoise, MediumTurquoise, DarkTurquoise, LightSeaGreen, CadetBlue, DarkCyan, Teal, LightSteelBlue, PowderBlue, LightBlue, SkyBlue, LightSkyBlue, DeepSkyBlue, DodgerBlue, CornflowerBlue, SteelBlue, RoyalBlue, Blue, MediumBlue, DarkBlue, Navy, MidnightBlue, Lavender, Thistle, Plum, Violet, Orchid, Fuchsia, Magenta, MediumOrchid, MediumPurple, BlueViolet, DarkViolet, DarkOrchid, DarkMagenta, Purple, Indigo, DarkSlateBlue, SlateBlue, MediumSlateBlue } |
Predefined colour references. More... | |
enum | ColourCycle { StandardCycle, DeuteranomalyCycle, ProtanomalyCycle, TritanomalyCycle, GreyCycle, CycleCount } |
Enumerates the various available colour cycles. More... |
Enumerates the various available colour cycles.
Note: the colours cycles include sets which attempt to cater for various forms of colour blindness. These are not rigorously constructed and may not be as well suited as they are intended. Feel free to offer suggested improvements to these colours sets.
Predefined colour references.
Index into Colour.Colours.