3rd Eye Scene C#
3rd Eye Scene C# documentation
Tes::IO::PacketHeader Struct Reference

The header for an incoming 3ES data packet. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

bool Write (BinaryWriter writer)
 Write this packet to a network writer.
bool Read (BinaryReader reader)
 Attempt to reader a packet header.

Static Public Member Functions

static PacketHeader Create (ushort routingID, ushort messageID)
 Create a default header with the given routingID .

Public Attributes

UInt32 Marker
 Marker bytes.
UInt16 VersionMajor
 Packet major version number.
UInt16 VersionMinor
 Packet major version number.
UInt16 RoutingID
 Identifies the main packet receiver.
UInt16 MessageID
 Identifies the message ID or message type.
UInt16 PayloadSize
 Size of the payload (bytes) following this header.
byte PayloadOffset
 A byte offset from the end of the packet header to the payload data.
byte Flags
 PacketFlag values.

Static Public Attributes

static readonly UInt32 PacketMarker = 0x03e55e30u
 A four byte sequence used to identify a 3rd Eye Scene packet.
static readonly UInt16 PacketVersionMajor = (UInt16)0x0u
 The current major version number for a 3rd Eye Scene packet.
static readonly UInt16 PacketVersionMinor = (UInt16)0x1u
 The current minor version number for a 3rd Eye Scene packet.


static int Size [get]
 Returns type byte size of a PacketHeader.
static int PayloadSizeOffset [get]
 Returns the byte offset to the PayloadSize member.
static int FlagsOffset [get]
 Returns the byte offset to the Flags member.
static PacketHeader Default [get]
 Create a new header with the default values set.
int PacketSize [get]
 Calculate and return the size of this packet, including the payload, but not CRC.
int DataSize [get]
 Calculate the size of the data in the packet, without the header.

Detailed Description

The header for an incoming 3ES data packet.

All packet data, including payload bytes, must be in network endian which is big endian.

A two byte CRC value is to appear immediately after the Packet header and payload.

Member Function Documentation

static PacketHeader Tes::IO::PacketHeader::Create ( ushort  routingID,
ushort  messageID 
) [inline, static]

Create a default header with the given routingID .

routingIDAssigned to the header's RoutingID.
messageIDAssigned to the header's MessageID.
bool Tes::IO::PacketHeader::Read ( BinaryReader  reader) [inline]

Attempt to reader a packet header.

readerThe reader to read from.
True if the marker and version number match the expected values.
bool Tes::IO::PacketHeader::Write ( BinaryWriter  writer) [inline]

Write this packet to a network writer.

writerThe network writer.
True on success

Member Data Documentation

Marker bytes.

Identifies the packet start.

A byte offset from the end of the packet header to the payload data.

Typically, the offset is zero and the payload begins immediately after the PacketHeader. However, this value serves in part as future proofing, to support additional information in the PacketHeader immediately following the core data presented here.

Packet major version number.

May be used to control decoding.

Packet major version number.

May be used to control decoding.

Property Documentation

int Tes::IO::PacketHeader::DataSize [get]

Calculate the size of the data in the packet, without the header.

This is the number of bytes following the header.

PacketHeader Tes::IO::PacketHeader::Default [static, get]

Create a new header with the default values set.

This includes the default marker and version number.

int Tes::IO::PacketHeader::FlagsOffset [static, get]

Returns the byte offset to the Flags member.

The byte offset to the packet flags member.

int Tes::IO::PacketHeader::PacketSize [get]

Calculate and return the size of this packet, including the payload, but not CRC.

The size is calculated as the sum of the this header size, the payload offset (additional header size) and the payload size.

The size of the packet in bytes.

int Tes::IO::PacketHeader::PayloadSizeOffset [static, get]

Returns the byte offset to the PayloadSize member.

The byte offset to the payload size member.

int Tes::IO::PacketHeader::Size [static, get]

Returns type byte size of a PacketHeader.

The byte size of this structure type.

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