3rd Eye Scene C#
3rd Eye Scene C# documentation
Tes::Net::CameraMessage Struct Reference

A message identifying the properties of a camera. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

bool Read (BinaryReader reader)
 Read the message from the given reader .
bool Write (PacketBuffer packet)
 Write this message to packet .

Public Attributes

byte CameraID
 ID of the camera.
byte Reserved1
ushort Reserved2
float X
 Position X coordinate.
float Y
 Position Y coordinate.
float Z
 Position Z coordinate.
float DirX
 Forward vector X value.
float DirY
 Forward vector Y value.
float DirZ
 Forward vector Z value.
float UpX
 Up vector X value.
float UpY
 Up vector Y value.
float UpZ
 Up vector Z value.
float Near
 Near clip plane (optional).
float Far
 Far clip plane (optional).
float FOV
 Horizontal field of view in degrees (optional).


static byte RecordedCameraID [get]
 Reserved camera ID for recording the camera properties during playback.

Detailed Description

A message identifying the properties of a camera.

The camera message may be used to represent the desired view. Remote viewing and playback may follow the primary camera at the user's request.

Member Function Documentation

bool Tes::Net::CameraMessage::Read ( BinaryReader  reader) [inline]

Read the message from the given reader .

readerThe reader to read from.
bool Tes::Net::CameraMessage::Write ( PacketBuffer  packet) [inline]

Write this message to packet .

packetThe packet to write to.

Member Data Documentation

ID of the camera.

255 is reserved to record the view used while recording.

Far clip plane (optional).

Zero or less implies an unspecified or unchanged value.

Horizontal field of view in degrees (optional).

Zero or less implies an unspecified or unchanged value.

Near clip plane (optional).

Zero or less implies an unspecified or unchanged value.


Must be zero.


Must be zero.

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