3es  0.7
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CArrowDefines an arrow shape to display
 CBoundsA simple bounding box structure
 CBoxDefines a rectangular prism shape
 CCapsuleDefines a capsule shape to display
 CCategoryNameMessageCategory name message
 CCollatedPacketA utility class which generates a MtCollatedPacket message by appending multiple other messages
 CCollatedPacketMessageA packet collation message header
 CColourA 32-bit integer colour class
 CConeDefines a cone shape to display
 CConnectionDefines the interfaces for a client connection
 CConnectionMonitorA utility class for monitoring new connections for a Server
 CControlMessageA system control message
 CCreateMessageDefines an object creation message
 CCylinderDefines a cylinder shape to display
 CDataMessageDefines an object data message
 CDestroyMessageMessage to destroy an exiting object by id and type
 CMaterialNot ready for use
 CMatrix3A row major 3x3 rotation matrix
 CMatrix4A row major 4x4 transformation matrix
 CMeshComponentMessageMessage structure for adding vertices, colours, indices, or UVs
 CMeshCreateMessageMeshResource creation message
 CMeshDestroyMessageMeshResource destruction message
 CMeshFinaliseMessageMessage to finalise a mesh, ready for use
 CMeshPlaceholderA placeholder for a mesh resource, carrying only a mesh ID
 CMeshRedefineMessageMeshResource redefinition message
 CMeshResourceRepresents a mesh part or object
 CMeshSetRepresents a mesh shape
 CMeshShapeA Shape which uses vertices and indices to render
 CObjectAttributesContains core object attributes
 CPacketBufferThis class accepts responsibility for collating incoming byte streams
 CPacketHeaderThe header for an incoming 3ES data packet
 CPacketReaderA utility class for dealing with reading packets
 CPacketStreamA utility class used for managing read/write operations to a PacketHeader payload
 CIsConstType traits: is T const?
 CIsConst< const T >Type traits: is T const?
 CPacketWriterA utility class for writing payload data to a PacketHeader
 CPlaneDefines a rectangular planar section to display
 CPointCloudA MeshResource which defines a point cloud by its contained vertices
 CPointCloudShapeA Shape which renders a set of points as in a point cloud
 CQuaternionA 4D rotational quaternion class
 CQuaternionArgA helper structure used to convert from float or double pointers to Quaternionf arguments
 CResourceThe Resource base class defines an interface for any resource used by Shape objects such as MeshSet
 CServerDefines the interface for managing a 3es server
 CServerInfoMessageInformation about the server
 CShapeA base class for encapsulating a shape which is to be represented remotely
 CSimpleMeshAn encapsulated definition of a mesh. It manages all its own vertices, indices, etc
 CSphereDefines a sphere to display
 CSpinLockA spin lock implementation
 CStarDefines a star to display
 CTcpListenSocketRepresents a TCP server socket, listening for connections
 CTcpSocketA TCP/IP communication socket implementation
 CText2DA shape which renders screen space text, optionally positioned in 3D
 CText3DA shape 3D world position and perspective adjusted text, optionally screen facing
 CTimerA high precision timer implementation
 CTimingA timing information structure
 CTransferProgressA structure tracking progress of a data transfer
 CUpdateMessageA update message is identical in header to a CreateMessage
 CV3ArgA helper structure used to convert from float or double pointers to Vector3f arguments
 CVector3Represents a vector in R3
 CVector3HashHash structure for use with standard library maps
 CVector4Represents a vector in R4