▼Ntes | |
CArrow | Defines an arrow shape to display |
CBounds | A simple bounding box structure |
CBox | Defines a rectangular prism shape |
CCapsule | Defines a capsule shape to display |
CCategoryNameMessage | Category name message |
CCollatedPacket | A utility class which generates a MtCollatedPacket message by appending multiple other messages |
CCollatedPacketMessage | A packet collation message header |
CColour | A 32-bit integer colour class |
CCone | Defines a cone shape to display |
CConnection | Defines the interfaces for a client connection |
CConnectionMonitor | A utility class for monitoring new connections for a Server |
CControlMessage | A system control message |
CCreateMessage | Defines an object creation message |
CCylinder | Defines a cylinder shape to display |
CDataMessage | Defines an object data message |
CDestroyMessage | Message to destroy an exiting object by id and type |
CMaterial | Not ready for use |
CMatrix3 | A row major 3x3 rotation matrix |
CMatrix4 | A row major 4x4 transformation matrix |
CMeshComponentMessage | Message structure for adding vertices, colours, indices, or UVs |
CMeshCreateMessage | MeshResource creation message |
CMeshDestroyMessage | MeshResource destruction message |
CMeshFinaliseMessage | Message to finalise a mesh, ready for use |
CMeshPlaceholder | A placeholder for a mesh resource, carrying only a mesh ID |
CMeshRedefineMessage | MeshResource redefinition message |
CMeshResource | Represents a mesh part or object |
CMeshSet | Represents a mesh shape |
CMeshShape | A Shape which uses vertices and indices to render |
CObjectAttributes | Contains core object attributes |
CPacketBuffer | This class accepts responsibility for collating incoming byte streams |
CPacketHeader | The header for an incoming 3ES data packet |
CPacketReader | A utility class for dealing with reading packets |
▼CPacketStream | A utility class used for managing read/write operations to a PacketHeader payload |
CIsConst | Type traits: is T const? |
CIsConst< const T > | Type traits: is T const? |
CPacketWriter | A utility class for writing payload data to a PacketHeader |
CPlane | Defines a rectangular planar section to display |
CPointCloud | A MeshResource which defines a point cloud by its contained vertices |
CPointCloudShape | A Shape which renders a set of points as in a point cloud |
CQuaternion | A 4D rotational quaternion class |
CQuaternionArg | A helper structure used to convert from float or double pointers to Quaternionf arguments |
CResource | The Resource base class defines an interface for any resource used by Shape objects such as MeshSet |
CResourcePacker | |
CServer | Defines the interface for managing a 3es server |
CServerInfoMessage | Information about the server |
CServerSettings | |
CShape | A base class for encapsulating a shape which is to be represented remotely |
CSimpleMesh | An encapsulated definition of a mesh. It manages all its own vertices, indices, etc |
CSphere | Defines a sphere to display |
CSphereVertexHash | |
CSpinLock | A spin lock implementation |
CStar | Defines a star to display |
CTcpListenSocket | Represents a TCP server socket, listening for connections |
CTcpListenSocketDetail | |
CTcpSocket | A TCP/IP communication socket implementation |
CTcpSocketDetail | |
CText2D | A shape which renders screen space text, optionally positioned in 3D |
CText3D | A shape 3D world position and perspective adjusted text, optionally screen facing |
CTimer | A high precision timer implementation |
CTiming | A timing information structure |
CTransferProgress | A structure tracking progress of a data transfer |
CUpdateMessage | A update message is identical in header to a CreateMessage |
CV3Arg | A helper structure used to convert from float or double pointers to Vector3f arguments |
CVector3 | Represents a vector in R3 |
CVector3Hash | Hash structure for use with standard library maps |
CVector4 | Represents a vector in R4 |